quarta-feira, 21 de abril de 2010

Vietnam, a última batalha

In 1975, John Pilger reported the end of the Vietnam War from the American Embassy in Saigon, where the last American troops fled from the roof-top helicopter pad. He was made Journalist of the Year and International Reporter of the Year for his reporting of the Vietnam War over a period of almost ten years. The American invasion of Vietnam marked the last stage of the longest war of the last century, a war in which the greatest tonnage of bombs in history was dropped, in which more than two million Vietnamese were killed and a bountiful land devastated. With the Americans finally gone, Vietnam was made an international pariah. The United States mounted an embargo that covered both trade and aid and other Western governments and international banks soon joined in. Out of thirty years of war came over two decades of isolation - such were the spoils of victory. In 1978 John Pilger and David Munro made the documentary, 'Do You Remember Vietnam?' In 1995's 'Vietnam: The Last Battle', Pilger returned to Vietnam to review these twenty years, seeking to rescue something of Vietnamese past and present from Hollywood images which pitied the invader while overshadowing one of the most epic struggles of the 20th century.