Eu acredito quase totalmente na liberdade de expressão. Acho que desde que não se incite à violência contra outros, desde que não ponha em causa a integridade dos outros (e este ponto é muito problemático.) realmente acho que se pode dizer tudo.
Seja inteligente, eloquente, belo, idiota, irracional, ignorante, falso, verdadeiro, em acordo comigo, em desacordo comigo...
O pormenor é que isto funciona nos dois sentidos. Eu também me dou essa mesma liberdade.
Um exemplo: acho que as pessoas podem dizer que defendem a guerra no Afeganistão porque estamos a lutar contra os terroristas dos taliban e os malucos extremistas da Alqaeda.
Mas claro está que se disserem isso ao pé de mim eu reservo-me o direito de responder. E se me der ao trabalho de responder o que digo é: a guerra no Afeganistão nada tem a ver com derrotar os taliban e a Alqueda.
Em primeiro lugar porque os taliban hoje em dia existem devido ao financiamento dos EUA e Reino Unido. E quando eles estavam a financiar as escolas do Paquistão que estavam a formatar essas mentes doentes eles sabiam muito bem o que estavam a financiar. Em segundo lugar porque durante a década de 90 (praticamente mesmo até ao 11 de Setembro de 2001) os EUA apoiaram os taliban. Financeira e logisticamente.
E novamente eles sabiam bem as atrocidades cometidas pelo regime taliban. Eles sabiam bem das violações de direitos humanos que eram praticadas de forma continuada em solo Afegão. Na altura nada disso interessava devido à planos de pipelines que passariam no Afeganistão.
Depois relativamente a Alqaeda o que tenho a dizer é que não existe. Pelo até 2001 não existia. E sei também que não existiu até cerca de 2004 e 2005. Se calhar até mais um ano ou dois. Agora não tenho tanta a certeza, mas a existir não é a organização altamente organizada e centralizada que os meios noticiosos fazem crer. Muito longe disso.
Ou seja, basicamente não acredito na defesa da liberdade de expressão quando a noção de liberdade de expressão não incorpora também a liberdade de responder.
quinta-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2009
quarta-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2009
Rosa Luxemburg dixit
The whole mass of the people must take part in economic and social life. Otherwise, socialism will be decreed from behind a few official desks by a dozen intellectuals. Public control is indispensably necessary. Otherwise the exchange of experiences remains only within the closed circle of the officials of the new regime. Corruption becomes inevitable. Socialism in life demands a complete spiritual transformation in the masses degraded by centuries of bourgeois class rule.
Texto na íntegra.
Texto na íntegra.
Pena é o Marx ter tido muito pouco a ver com o socialismo e bastante a ver com a análise do Capital
Pois é meus caros. O Marx não era socialista. Ele próprio o disse muitas vezes. Por isso identificar marxismo com o socialismo é o primeiro erro.
O segundo erro é ignorar o extremo determinismo presente nos escritos do Marx. Quando ele diz aquelas barbaridades ele não as diz em discurso prescritivo, ele di-las em discurso descritivo (na forma de uma previsão, claro está). Claro que isso não o exonera de uma extrema idiotice, mas explica o porquê dessa idiotice.
E quando digo que Marx disse uma extrema idiotice não estou a querer dizer que Marx era idiota. Longe disso, caros leitores. Marx foi das pessoas mais inteligentes a passar por este planeta, mas era humano e como tal tinha quer falhas. Idiotas são os que se espantam com o facto de Marx ter falhas.
Marx escreveu muito. Marx escreveu imenso. Mas sobre o socialismo escreveu muito pouco mesmo. E do pouco que escreveu a maior parte foi para o deitar abaixo. Muito conhecidas são as suas confusões com pensadores e activistas que se diziam socialistas. E muito conhecido é também o scorn com que Marx os tratava. Por isso ligar ao pensamento de Marx ao pensamento socialista é de uma desonestidade intelectual imensa, mas que infelizmente ocorre a muita gente. Às tantas nem é desonestidade intelectual, deve ser mesmo é ignorância. Por falar em ignorância notem bem a que vai desde os 2m46s até aos aos 3m08s. Porra até eu que tenho uns míseros 27 anos lembro-me de uns quantos que não só advogaram, mas como puseram em prática extermínio racial. Não vou ofender a inteligência dos leitores a citar nomes, mas acho que qualquer pessoa minimamente séria dirá que aquelas afirmações são falsas.
Quanto às pequenas diferenças entre o comunismo do Lenin e a fé de Hitler. Isto não é nada de novo e só deve ser estranho a quem não olha para as coisas como elas são.
Eu sou uma pessoa de ligar muito pouco a nomes e a rótulos. Por estranho que pareça, interesso-me muito mais por acções. E sempre que quero avaliar algo vou pelas acções. E quem olha para as acções de ambos regimes realmente vê muitas semelhanças e algumas (poucas) diferenças.
Mas tratemos agora de outras coisas. Em primeiro lugar olhemos para a expressão comunismo de Lenin. Essa é uma expressão que não faz sentido nenhum e eu farto-me de dizer isso às pessoas quando falo com elas.
Dizer coisas como regime comunista, ou partido comunista é apenas demonstrar que não se conhece bem a terminologia marxista (ou que se está disposta a utilizá-la de forma bastante livre). Falando em termos muito básicos a evolução das sociedades humanas passa por vários estágios e os que agora nos interessam são o capitalismo, o estágio seguinte a que Marx chamou de ditadura do proletariado e, finalmente, o comunismo (isto está muito simplificado, mas não é nada difícil ao leitor interessado saber como de facto as coisas são na concepção de Marx).
O comunismo era o estágio último da evolução, o estágio aonde não haveria estado, não haveriam classes, não haveria dinheiro, e todos os seres humanos trabalhariam de acordo com o que podiam, e teriam de acordo com o que necessitavam
Ou seja dizer regime comunista, ou partido comunista não faz sentido nenhum, se quisermos ser rigorosos. Quanto muito poderíamos dizer coisas como partido pró-comunista, ou então como às vezes se diz partido socialista. E estes partido teriam que ser partidos que fariam por atingir nas suas sociedades o estágio último da evolução segundo Marx. E isto para mim é um ponto muito importante, um partido para se dizer socialista, ou pró-comunista, teria que ser um partido que de facto tomasse acções que promovessem o aparecimento do comunismo.
Mas não basta só isto. Para um partido se dizer socialista teria também que ser um partido num país que já estivesse na fase capitalista da economia. Porque a ditadura do proletariado (ou socialismo segundo algumas visões) só aparece segundo Marx após o capitalismo. E mais do que isso só faz sentido e só é possível após o capitalismo.
Logo aqui temos um grande problema. É que que Rússia de 1917 podia ser muita coisa, mas não era capitalista. Nem de longe nem de perto. E Lenin sabia-o muito bem. Trotsky também o sabia muito bem. Aliás, toda a gente o sabia muito bem. E por isso mesmo quase todos eles escreveram a dizer isso. Nós não somos o país que vai trazer o comunismo ao Mundo porque muito simplesmente não temos condições para isso (Obviamente isto não é uma citação literal). Lenin disse isto várias vezes muito explicitamente. Na altura o plano era esperar pelo que o único país do mundo que de facto havia atingido o estágio capitalista, a Alemanha, tivesse um revolta do proletariado e depois esse país levaria a Rússia consigo no caminho glorioso do progresso e do comunismo.
Não têm que acreditar numa única palavra do que eu digo. Devem é ler e tirar as vossas próprias conclusões. Mas leiam as fontes primárias e não os comentários dos comentários dos comentários dos comentários. Se não, arriscam-se a repetir a merda que se diz tanto neste 6m30s de trailer como por esse mundo fora.
Depois disto vamos então à questão de se o Lenin e o seu partido de facto tomaram algum tipo de medidas para tornar a Rússia numa sociedade mais justa, que é como quem diz comunista (ou socialista).
Para variar vou olhar para os factos (de maneira algo resumida, mas que penso captar o que é essencial) e depois sim dizer qual a minha conclusão:
Em 1917 houve na Rússia duas revoluções: uma em Fevereiro e a outra em Outubro. Na primeira revolução o regime autocrata do czar foi destituído e várias medidas foram tomadas pelo povo:
- uma assembleia democraticamente eleita foi formada com o objectivo de se escrever uma constituição.
- Organizaram soviets que eram um forma de os trabalhadores se juntarem e exercerem democracia directa e controle sobre os seus meios de trabalho
- Houve uma luta para que de facto, trabalhadores, mulheres e crianças tivessem direitos dignos
- Destituição da assembleia democraticamente eleita e que por "coincidência" não tinha os bolshevik como maioria.
- Ilegalização e perseguição dos soviet
- Perca de liberdades civis para virtualmente toda a população
- As palavras de ordem passaram a ser segundo Lenin: "The revolution has only just broken the oldest, most durable and heaviest fetters to which the masses were compelled to submit. That was yesterday. But today the same revolution demands, in the interests of socialism, that the masses unquestioningly obey the single will of the leaders of the labour process", "While the revolution in Germany is slow in "coming forth," our task is to study the state capitalism of the Germans, to spare no effort in copying it and not shrink from adopting dictatorial methods to hasten the copying of it. Our task is to do this even more thoroughly than Peter the Great hastened the copying of Western culture by barbarian Russia, and he did not hesitate to use barbarous methods in fighting against barbarism."
- Para além disso economicamente falando Lenin nunca quis ter nada a ver com economia em termos socialistas. Ele defendeu e pôs em prática o que chamou de capitalismo de estado. E quando eu penso no que era o capitalismo de estado não vejo muita diferença entre este conceito e o conceito de corporativismo que é a pedra basilar do fascismo.
Coisas como democracia agora não interessavam a ninguém (quanto mais democracia directa e livre associação), poder aos trabalhadores eram sonhos de uma burguesia fútil, e nada, mas mesmo nada de participação popular nos processos de decisão.
De agora em diante todo o poder reside numa classe privilegiada de intelectuais que tudo o que faz é para o bem do povo. Mesmo quando o oprime, quando o explora, quando o mata, quando o tortura, quando o humilha. Tudo isso é para o bem do povo.
Os russos de então eram um povo bastante atrasado em termos industriais e económicos e por Toutatis! os bolsheviks iam tratar de os colocar na rota certa. Iam levar tareia até chegarem ao estágio capitalista. Iam levar mais tareia durante a ditadura do proletariado (que novamente tomou um significado diferente do que o Marx lhe havia dado), mas quando finalmente chegasse o tão esperado El Dorado do comunismo tudo ia ficar bem.
Enfim socialismo da mais alta estirpe como se pode prontamente ver. Nada de oportunismo, ganância, e hipocrisia. Tudo bons rapazes com as melhores das intenções.
Olhemos para que fez o Hitler quando tomou poder e pensemos nas reais diferenças de um caso para o outro. Pois é!, são muitas não são?!
Ambos defenderam o poder popular até terem o poder nas suas mãos. Depois disso o poder pertencia a uma cambada de iluminados que iria tratar de fazer as devidas experiências sociais de modo a que as respectivas sociedades entrassem nos eixos.
Por isso novamente digo notar que os métodos do Hitler e do Lenin eram bastante similares só surpreende a quem não olha para o mundo e só ofende os que só olham para a propaganda.
Sobre o facto de o partido Nazi ser oficialmente chamado de Partido Nacional-Socialista dos Trabalhadores Alemães e daí aqueles pensadores tirarem qualquer conclusão realmente não vou dizer muito. Vou só repetir que para mim não interessam nomes e rótulos, mas sim acções.
E realmente os métodos de Lenin e Hitler diferiam maioritariamente na interpretação, mas asseguro que não era na interpretação do Socialismo (pelo menos não sentido que a palavra socialismo tinha até então)
E agora um pequeno desvio:
As pessoas normalmente dizem que o comunismo/socialismo falhou e que tal ficou demonstrado em 1989. Eu pergunto-me: "Mas como pode ter falhado algo que não foi posto em prática?" (estritamente falando isto não é verdade, porque houve sítios em que realmente se tentou o socialismo e nestes sítios os resultados foram positivos). E por outra: porque é que ninguém diz que a democracia falhou e que tal ficou demonstrado em 1989? Afinal o bloco de Leste que se dizia comunista/socialista também se dizia democrático, não era? Já ouço o leitor: "Mas ó dweebydoofus, lá porque eles se diziam democráticos não quer dizer que realmente o fossem. Se olharmos para os factos vemos que eles eram exactamente o oposto de democrático". E é esse mesmo o meu ponto! Não basta a classificação que eles se davam é necessário também olharmos para as acções. Se o fizermos vemos que esses países não eram nem democráticos, nem socialistas.
Ps:Confesso que ainda não vi o documentário na íntegra mas prometo vê-lo todo possivelmente hoje e aconselho a todos que estejam a ler a que façam o mesmo.
terça-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2009
Eu tenho uma costela masoquista que deve ser mesmo muito grande! Muito grande mesmo!
O chorrilo de mentiras e meias verdades aqui presente tirou-me do sério, e no entanto eu li aquela merda toda até ao fim.
Os meus comentários encontram-se a vermelho
"Reporting from Mexico City and San Salvador - In a sign of the remarkable changes afoot in El Salvador, the government Monday bestowed the nation's highest award on six Jesuit priests slain by the army exactly 20 years ago.
Right-wing governments that ruled El Salvador since its civil war have traditionally relegated the case of the murdered Jesuits to a historic past they preferred to forget. But the election in March of a new president from a leftist political party made up of former guerrillas set the stage for Monday's recognition.
"We want this to be an act of recovering our collective memory," President Mauricio Funes said in the ceremony. "For me, this act means [we] pull back a heavy veil of darkness and lies to let in the light of justice and truth. We begin to cleanse our house of this recent history."
Funes, a former journalist who, like many Salvadorans, was educated by the Jesuits, presented golden medallions to relatives of the priests "for extraordinary service to the nation."
Stunning the audience, the minister of defense then said that the army was prepared to ask for forgiveness and that he was willing to open military archives to judicial investigators -- something that the priests' advocates have long demanded but the army steadfastly refused. The Funes government has not ordered such an investigation.
"If the government asks me to open the archives, I will do it," said the minister, Gen. David Munguia Payes, who fought in the war against the guerrillas and served in the early 1980s as part of the presidential guard.
The 1989 assassination of the priests, along with their cook and her young daughter, was a pivotal event in El Salvador's long civil war.
The priests were highly regarded intellectuals, promoters of justice for the poor and opponents of the war, and seen by the Salvadoran right as pro-left subversives.
Among them was Ignacio Ellacuria, a Spanish national who was one of the region's leading intellectuals and rector at the time of the Jesuit-run University of Central America, or UCA, in San Salvador.
Their killings provoked outrage worldwide (gostava imenso de saber a definição de worldwide deste jornalista. O assassinato destes padres jesuítas foi grandemente ignorado pelo Mundo.); the pictures of the priests sprawled face down on the lawn of their modest home after being shot by soldiers were among the most haunting images of the war.
It was a bookend atrocity, in some ways, to the 1980 slaying of San Salvador Archbishop Oscar Romero, who was shot by an assassin as he said Mass (claro que não se pode dizer de onde vinham as ordens e a conivência para com este acto! O pobre do homem se o dissesse era logo posto na rua, mas como eu não corro estes riscos posso dizê-lo: EUA com a já clássica CIA e o Vaticano que não gostava mesmo nada da mensagem de libertação do Romero e o deixou para morrer de forma bem consciente). His death is often seen as a marker of the start of the civil war, and the Jesuits' killings the beginning of the end (Mas que idiotice pegada! A Guerra Civil tinha começado bem antes disso. Aliás era esse o cerne da mensagem do Romero: que os militares deviam parar com a guerra civil e tratar os seus conterrâneos de forma digna. Que não deviam matar um camponês, um activista, etc só porque tinham recebido ordens para tal).
The 1989 assassinations finally broke long-standing U.S. administration support for the Salvadoran army and government, which in turn helped to force the end of the war in 1992 (Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Que comédia! Nem consigo imaginar o nível de loucura que leva alguém a dizer uma mentira deste tamanho. A sério que isto não é só mentir é ser-se legalmente do mais insano que se pode ser.).
A national truth commission, as well as several international investigations, established that top Salvadoran army officers had ordered and then covered up the slayings of the priests (estabeleceu muito mais do que isso meu caro, muito mais mesmo), whom the military accused of supporting the guerrillas.
Four officers and five soldiers were tried and convicted for their roles in the killings. No one, however, was higher in rank than a colonel, and all were released in 1993 under an amnesty law. No one in the top military leadership was prosecuted (Pois claro que não, se os grandões fossem a julgamento e dissessem metade do que tinham feito e mando de quem muita merda iria acontecer).
There is widespread suspicion in El Salvador and among U.S. officials that Roberto D'Aubuisson, one of the founders of the right-wing Arena party that ruled El Salvador until this year, ordered the Jesuits' killings during a meeting with other party officials in November 1989(Pois realmente devem ser suspeitas. Afinal o anjinho do D'Aubuisson disse-o várias vezes e até disse que se voltasse atrás no tempo voltava a fazer tudo de novo. Sim, realmente são só suspeitas...).
A lawsuit filed last year in a Spanish court is attempting to bring senior military and civilian officials to account.
Next week, attorneys and witnesses on behalf of the Jesuits' families will present evidence based on hundreds of pages of declassified U.S. documents from the late 1980s and early 1990s.
The documents, including cables from U.S. Embassy, military and CIA officials in El Salvador to Washington, describe the Salvadoran army's "role in planning, ordering and committing the crime and covering it up afterward," said Kate Doyle, a researcher with the National Security Archive, a Washington-based organization that has been key in bringing much of the information to light (LOLOLOL os declassified documents também mostram o papel de sucessivos governos dos EUA nisso tudo e muito mais. Mas claro que não se pode dizer estas coisas no jornal extremamente liberal que é o LA Times. Liberal comó caralho diria mesmo!).
The ceremony Monday in San Salvador drew participants from all over the world, including activists, religious figures, journalists from the country's civil war era, and U.S. Rep. Jim McGovern (D-Mass.), a follower of U.S. policy in Central America who has long demanded a full accounting of the Salvadoran and U.S. government roles in the killings.
"We've had to wait 20 years for this," said Father Jose Tojeira, the current UCA rector. "This is the first time that a Salvadoran government publicly and officially recognizes the courage, dignity and service of this group of academics and men of faith."
Still, there are many in El Salvador who are critical of Funes for not going far enough in pushing for a full airing of the Jesuit case.
The Jesuits "don't need homages," an editorial on the leading Salvadoran news website El Faro said Monday. "They need, and especially we Salvadorans need, to know the truth. . . . The new government . . . has fled from its moral obligation to demand the opening of an investigation." (Pois claro que fugiu. Se o fizesse aposto que se veria uma fuga intensa de capital de El Salvador (ameaça aliás bastante constante, basta pensarmos na Nicarágua dos anos 90) que faria o país ficar ainda pior do que já está)."
Em suma: o propaganda model mais uma vez a mostrar a sua saúde e vitalidade.

Os meus comentários encontram-se a vermelho
"Reporting from Mexico City and San Salvador - In a sign of the remarkable changes afoot in El Salvador, the government Monday bestowed the nation's highest award on six Jesuit priests slain by the army exactly 20 years ago.
Right-wing governments that ruled El Salvador since its civil war have traditionally relegated the case of the murdered Jesuits to a historic past they preferred to forget. But the election in March of a new president from a leftist political party made up of former guerrillas set the stage for Monday's recognition.
"We want this to be an act of recovering our collective memory," President Mauricio Funes said in the ceremony. "For me, this act means [we] pull back a heavy veil of darkness and lies to let in the light of justice and truth. We begin to cleanse our house of this recent history."
Funes, a former journalist who, like many Salvadorans, was educated by the Jesuits, presented golden medallions to relatives of the priests "for extraordinary service to the nation."
Stunning the audience, the minister of defense then said that the army was prepared to ask for forgiveness and that he was willing to open military archives to judicial investigators -- something that the priests' advocates have long demanded but the army steadfastly refused. The Funes government has not ordered such an investigation.
"If the government asks me to open the archives, I will do it," said the minister, Gen. David Munguia Payes, who fought in the war against the guerrillas and served in the early 1980s as part of the presidential guard.
The 1989 assassination of the priests, along with their cook and her young daughter, was a pivotal event in El Salvador's long civil war.
The priests were highly regarded intellectuals, promoters of justice for the poor and opponents of the war, and seen by the Salvadoran right as pro-left subversives.
Among them was Ignacio Ellacuria, a Spanish national who was one of the region's leading intellectuals and rector at the time of the Jesuit-run University of Central America, or UCA, in San Salvador.
Their killings provoked outrage worldwide (gostava imenso de saber a definição de worldwide deste jornalista. O assassinato destes padres jesuítas foi grandemente ignorado pelo Mundo.); the pictures of the priests sprawled face down on the lawn of their modest home after being shot by soldiers were among the most haunting images of the war.
It was a bookend atrocity, in some ways, to the 1980 slaying of San Salvador Archbishop Oscar Romero, who was shot by an assassin as he said Mass (claro que não se pode dizer de onde vinham as ordens e a conivência para com este acto! O pobre do homem se o dissesse era logo posto na rua, mas como eu não corro estes riscos posso dizê-lo: EUA com a já clássica CIA e o Vaticano que não gostava mesmo nada da mensagem de libertação do Romero e o deixou para morrer de forma bem consciente). His death is often seen as a marker of the start of the civil war, and the Jesuits' killings the beginning of the end (Mas que idiotice pegada! A Guerra Civil tinha começado bem antes disso. Aliás era esse o cerne da mensagem do Romero: que os militares deviam parar com a guerra civil e tratar os seus conterrâneos de forma digna. Que não deviam matar um camponês, um activista, etc só porque tinham recebido ordens para tal).
The 1989 assassinations finally broke long-standing U.S. administration support for the Salvadoran army and government, which in turn helped to force the end of the war in 1992 (Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Que comédia! Nem consigo imaginar o nível de loucura que leva alguém a dizer uma mentira deste tamanho. A sério que isto não é só mentir é ser-se legalmente do mais insano que se pode ser.).
A national truth commission, as well as several international investigations, established that top Salvadoran army officers had ordered and then covered up the slayings of the priests (estabeleceu muito mais do que isso meu caro, muito mais mesmo), whom the military accused of supporting the guerrillas.
Four officers and five soldiers were tried and convicted for their roles in the killings. No one, however, was higher in rank than a colonel, and all were released in 1993 under an amnesty law. No one in the top military leadership was prosecuted (Pois claro que não, se os grandões fossem a julgamento e dissessem metade do que tinham feito e mando de quem muita merda iria acontecer).
There is widespread suspicion in El Salvador and among U.S. officials that Roberto D'Aubuisson, one of the founders of the right-wing Arena party that ruled El Salvador until this year, ordered the Jesuits' killings during a meeting with other party officials in November 1989(Pois realmente devem ser suspeitas. Afinal o anjinho do D'Aubuisson disse-o várias vezes e até disse que se voltasse atrás no tempo voltava a fazer tudo de novo. Sim, realmente são só suspeitas...).
A lawsuit filed last year in a Spanish court is attempting to bring senior military and civilian officials to account.
Next week, attorneys and witnesses on behalf of the Jesuits' families will present evidence based on hundreds of pages of declassified U.S. documents from the late 1980s and early 1990s.
The documents, including cables from U.S. Embassy, military and CIA officials in El Salvador to Washington, describe the Salvadoran army's "role in planning, ordering and committing the crime and covering it up afterward," said Kate Doyle, a researcher with the National Security Archive, a Washington-based organization that has been key in bringing much of the information to light (LOLOLOL os declassified documents também mostram o papel de sucessivos governos dos EUA nisso tudo e muito mais. Mas claro que não se pode dizer estas coisas no jornal extremamente liberal que é o LA Times. Liberal comó caralho diria mesmo!).
The ceremony Monday in San Salvador drew participants from all over the world, including activists, religious figures, journalists from the country's civil war era, and U.S. Rep. Jim McGovern (D-Mass.), a follower of U.S. policy in Central America who has long demanded a full accounting of the Salvadoran and U.S. government roles in the killings.
"We've had to wait 20 years for this," said Father Jose Tojeira, the current UCA rector. "This is the first time that a Salvadoran government publicly and officially recognizes the courage, dignity and service of this group of academics and men of faith."
Still, there are many in El Salvador who are critical of Funes for not going far enough in pushing for a full airing of the Jesuit case.
The Jesuits "don't need homages," an editorial on the leading Salvadoran news website El Faro said Monday. "They need, and especially we Salvadorans need, to know the truth. . . . The new government . . . has fled from its moral obligation to demand the opening of an investigation." (Pois claro que fugiu. Se o fizesse aposto que se veria uma fuga intensa de capital de El Salvador (ameaça aliás bastante constante, basta pensarmos na Nicarágua dos anos 90) que faria o país ficar ainda pior do que já está)."
Em suma: o propaganda model mais uma vez a mostrar a sua saúde e vitalidade.
segunda-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2009
Só mesmo naquela de chatear o pessoal e tentar causar alguma discussão
Estes pensamentos não são meus, mas concordo com eles quase na íntegra. No futuro irei citar todo o texto e fazer alguns comentários, mas por agora ficam com isto:
"In fact, if you look at the history of science seriously, in the seventeenth century there was a major challenge to the existing scientific approach. I mean, it was assumed by Galileo and Descartes and classical scientists that the world would be intelligible to us, that all we had to do was think about it and it would be intelligible. Newton disproved them. He showed that the world is not intelligible to us. Newton demonstrated that there are no machines, that there’s nothing mechanical in the sense in which it was assumed that the world was mechanical. He didn’t believe it — in fact he felt his work was an absurdity — but he proved it, and he spent the rest of his life trying to disprove it. And other scientists did later on. I mean, it’s often said that Newton got rid of the ghost in the machine, but it’s quite the opposite. Newton exorcised the machine. He left the ghost.
And by the time that sank in, which was quite some time, it just changed the conception of science. Instead of trying to show that the world is intelligible to us, we recognized that it’s not intelligible to us. But we just say, ‘Well, you know, unfortunately that’s the way it works. I can’t understand it but that’s the way it works.’ And then the aim of science is reduced from trying to show that the world is intelligible to us, which it is not, to trying to show that there are theories of the world which are intelligible to us. That’s what science is: It’s the study of intelligible theories which give an explanation of some aspect of reality."
"When people talk about what science tells you about human affairs, it’s mostly a joke. Incidentally, I don’t think religion tells you very much either. So it’s not that science is displacing religion, there’s nothing to displace."
"People have a right to believe whatever they like, including irrational beliefs. In fact, we all have irrational beliefs, in a certain sense. We have to. If I walk out the door, I have an irrational belief that the floor is there. Can I prove it? You know if I’m paying attention to it I see that it’s there, but I can’t prove it. In fact, if you’re a scientist, you don’t prove anything. The sciences don’t have proofs, what they have is surmises. There’s a lot of nonsense these days about evolution being just a theory. Everything’s just a theory, including classical physics! If you want proofs you go to arithmetic; in arithmetic you can prove things. But you stipulate the axioms. But in the sciences you’re trying to discover things, and the notion of proof doesn’t exist."
"...we must recognize how very limited in both scope and precision a paradigm can be at the time of its first appearance. Paradigms gain their status because they are more successful than their competitors in solving a few problems that the group of practitioners has come to recognize as acute. To be more successful is not, however, to be either completely successful with a single problem or notably successful with any large number. The success of a paradigm-whether Aristotle's analysis of motion, Ptolemy's computations of planetary position, Lavoisiert application of the balance, or Maxwell's mathematization of the electromagnetic field - is at the start largely a promise of success discoverable in selected and still incomplete examples. Normal science consists in the actualization of that promise, an actualization achieved by extending the knowledge of those facts that the paradigm displays as particularly revealing, by increasing the extent of the match between those facts and the paradigm's predictions, and by further articulation of the paradigm itself.
Few people who are not actually practitioners of a mature science realize how much mop-up work of this sort a paradigm leaves to be done or quite how fascinating such work can provein the execution."
"Nor do scientists normally aim to invent new theories, and they are often intolerant of those invented by others. Instead, normal-scientific research is directed to the articulation of those phenomena and theories that the paradigm already supplies."
Umas frases são de uma entrevista conjunta a um grupo de três cientistas e outras são do clássico "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions".
"In fact, if you look at the history of science seriously, in the seventeenth century there was a major challenge to the existing scientific approach. I mean, it was assumed by Galileo and Descartes and classical scientists that the world would be intelligible to us, that all we had to do was think about it and it would be intelligible. Newton disproved them. He showed that the world is not intelligible to us. Newton demonstrated that there are no machines, that there’s nothing mechanical in the sense in which it was assumed that the world was mechanical. He didn’t believe it — in fact he felt his work was an absurdity — but he proved it, and he spent the rest of his life trying to disprove it. And other scientists did later on. I mean, it’s often said that Newton got rid of the ghost in the machine, but it’s quite the opposite. Newton exorcised the machine. He left the ghost.
And by the time that sank in, which was quite some time, it just changed the conception of science. Instead of trying to show that the world is intelligible to us, we recognized that it’s not intelligible to us. But we just say, ‘Well, you know, unfortunately that’s the way it works. I can’t understand it but that’s the way it works.’ And then the aim of science is reduced from trying to show that the world is intelligible to us, which it is not, to trying to show that there are theories of the world which are intelligible to us. That’s what science is: It’s the study of intelligible theories which give an explanation of some aspect of reality."
"When people talk about what science tells you about human affairs, it’s mostly a joke. Incidentally, I don’t think religion tells you very much either. So it’s not that science is displacing religion, there’s nothing to displace."
"People have a right to believe whatever they like, including irrational beliefs. In fact, we all have irrational beliefs, in a certain sense. We have to. If I walk out the door, I have an irrational belief that the floor is there. Can I prove it? You know if I’m paying attention to it I see that it’s there, but I can’t prove it. In fact, if you’re a scientist, you don’t prove anything. The sciences don’t have proofs, what they have is surmises. There’s a lot of nonsense these days about evolution being just a theory. Everything’s just a theory, including classical physics! If you want proofs you go to arithmetic; in arithmetic you can prove things. But you stipulate the axioms. But in the sciences you’re trying to discover things, and the notion of proof doesn’t exist."
"...we must recognize how very limited in both scope and precision a paradigm can be at the time of its first appearance. Paradigms gain their status because they are more successful than their competitors in solving a few problems that the group of practitioners has come to recognize as acute. To be more successful is not, however, to be either completely successful with a single problem or notably successful with any large number. The success of a paradigm-whether Aristotle's analysis of motion, Ptolemy's computations of planetary position, Lavoisiert application of the balance, or Maxwell's mathematization of the electromagnetic field - is at the start largely a promise of success discoverable in selected and still incomplete examples. Normal science consists in the actualization of that promise, an actualization achieved by extending the knowledge of those facts that the paradigm displays as particularly revealing, by increasing the extent of the match between those facts and the paradigm's predictions, and by further articulation of the paradigm itself.
Few people who are not actually practitioners of a mature science realize how much mop-up work of this sort a paradigm leaves to be done or quite how fascinating such work can provein the execution."
"Nor do scientists normally aim to invent new theories, and they are often intolerant of those invented by others. Instead, normal-scientific research is directed to the articulation of those phenomena and theories that the paradigm already supplies."
Umas frases são de uma entrevista conjunta a um grupo de três cientistas e outras são do clássico "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions".
Gandhi dixit
"I believe in equality for everyone, except reporters and photographers."
Segundo parece existe alguma polémica se ele de facto disse isto ou não, mas se o disse passei a gostar dele mais um bocadito.
Segundo parece existe alguma polémica se ele de facto disse isto ou não, mas se o disse passei a gostar dele mais um bocadito.
Fermat dá voltas no túmulo
Não posso dizer nada mais do que foi dito quer no post quer nos comentários do post, mas sinceramente... E pensava eu que já tinha visto todos os disparates matemáticos que há para ver.
Ainda há pouco tempo li numa revista Visão em que se falava na influência de símbolos da Maçonaria na arquitectura de Washington. Às tantas aparece no texto a expressão "hipotenusa do triângulo equilátero". Sim!, isso mesmo: hipotenusa de um triângulo equilátero.
Escusado será dizer que após ter visto fechei imediatamente a revista.
Mas enfim, comparado com o que aí vem o erro anterior passa por génio do mais puro que pode existir no planeta Terra:
A brief return to the theme of mathematics in literature: I can’t resist sharing what is, by a long way, the silliest piece of fictional mathematics I have ever come across. It comes in “The Girl Who Played With Fire,” by the late Stieg Larsson, translated (not very well) by someone called Reg Keeling. Here is a little piece of advice for any author who wants to incorporate mathematics into a novel. If you don’t want what you write to be risibly unrealistic, it is not enough to read popular science books: you must also run what you write past a mathematician.
And here is the passage in question.
Salander began her advance towards the house, moving in a circle through the woods. She had gone about a hundred and fifty metres when suddenly she stopped in mid-stride.Needless to say Salander is entirely self-taught at mathematics. More surprisingly and cringeworthily, she has been seriously interested in it for only about a year. I was initially puzzled by what would have made the author think that Wiles used “the world’s most advanced computer programme” but I now have a theory that could perhaps explain this: he might have read a popular account of the proof that said that it used extremely advanced mathematical machinery, and, literary genius that he was, failed to spot that the word “machinery” was a metaphor. I can’t decide whether that is my favourite detail, or whether it is the superfluous brackets round the equation
In the margin of his copy of Arithmetica, Pierre de Fermat had jotted the words I have a truly marvellous demonstration of this proposition which this margin is too narrow to contain.
The square had been converted to a cube,and mathematicians had spent centuries looking for the answer to Fermat’s riddle. By the time Andrew Wiles solved the puzzle in the 1990s, he had been at it for ten years using the world’s most advanced computer programme.
And all of a sudden she understood. The answer was so disarmingly simple. A game with numbers that lined up and then fell into place in a simple formula that was most similar to a rebus.
Fermat had no computer, of course, and Wiles’s solution was based on mathematics that had not been invented when Fermat formulated his theorem. Fermat would never have been able to produce the proof that Wiles had presented. Fermat’s solution was quite different.
She was so stunned that she had to sit down on a tree stump. She gazed straight ahead as she checked the equation.
So that’s what he meant. No wonder mathematicians were tearing out their hair.
Then she giggled.
A philosopher would have had a better chance of solving this riddle.
She wished she could have known Fermat.
He was a cocky devil.
After a while she stood up and continued her approach through the trees. She kept the barn between her and the house.
It is hard to believe that anyone can match this passage. However, it does seem to be quite common for novelists to make fools of themselves in this way, and past experience on this blog suggests that I am usually wrong when I make a universal claim about literary depictions of mathematics (which in this case is the claim that nothing is as silly as the passage that I have just quoted). I have to admit that my amusement is mixed with just a hint of annoyance — by writing a post about it I am getting it off my chest.
Leiam o post e leiam os comentários.
sábado, 26 de dezembro de 2009
Onda Livre Dezembro
Da Tertúlia Liberdade chega-nos o Onda Livre. Um programa de rádio que pode ser ouvido na Rádio Zero.
"Para dar voz aos que não tem voz. Aos moradores dos bairros, aos trabalhadores precários, aos imigrantes, aos jovens e a todos que lutam por um mundo diferente e melhor. A Liberdade está no Ar"
"Para dar voz aos que não tem voz. Aos moradores dos bairros, aos trabalhadores precários, aos imigrantes, aos jovens e a todos que lutam por um mundo diferente e melhor. A Liberdade está no Ar"
Os efeitos do urânio empobrecido nos recém-nascidos de Fallujah
O original está aqui, por favor vejam o vídeo.
- Do DU não falam eles, os politiqueiros & os media que se arrogam serem "referência"
International Coalition to Ban Uranium Weapons
Entrevista de Leuren Moret
Bombas sujas, mísseis sujos e balas sujas
O urânio e a guerra
Uma questão de integridade
Afeganistão: O pesadelo nuclear principia
O urânio empobrecido retorna aos EUA
O original encontra-se em: . Tradução de Margarida Ferreira."
- Do DU não falam eles, os politiqueiros & os media que se arrogam serem "referência"
- Intoxicam-nos com a treta do inofensivo CO2 mas silenciam o crime real
- Organizações que se dizem ecologistas, como a Quercus e quejandas, são coniventes nesse silenciamento
- O DU é venenoso e tem efeitos teratogénicos – em Faluja nascem bebés deformados
- A semi-vida do DU é de milhões de anos
- As armas tóxicas do imperialismo ameaçam exterminar a humanidade
- As agressões ao Iraque, Jugoslávia e Afeganistão não afectam apenas esses povos
por David Randall
- A limitação de sofrimento humano desnecessário [Art. 35.2]
- A limitação de danos ao ambiente [Art. 35.3 e 55.1]
- É proibido utilizar armas, projécteis e materiais e métodos de guerra de natureza tal que provoquem prejuízos supérfluos ou sofrimento desnecessário [Art. 35.3]
- É proibido utilizar métodos ou meios de guerra que se destinem, ou dos quais se possa esperar causarem danos generalizados, a longo prazo e graves para o ambiente natural [Art. 35.2]
- A fim de garantir o respeito e a protecção da população civil e dos objectos civis, as partes em conflito terão sempre que distinguir entre população civil e combatentes e entre objectos civis e objectivos militares e, consequentemente, deverão dirigir as suas operações apenas contra objectivos militares [Art. 48]
- São proibidos ataques indiscriminados. Ataques indiscriminados são:
a) os que não são dirigidos contra um objectivo militar específico;
b) os que utilizem um método ou meio de combate que não possa ser dirigido contra um objectivo militar específico; ou
c) os que utilizem um método ou meio de combate cujos efeitos não possam ser limitados conforme exigido por este Protocolo; e consequentemente, em cada um destes casos, são de natureza tal que atinjam objectivos militares e civis e objectos civis sem qualquer distinção [Art. 51.4]
- Deve ter-se o cuidado na guerra de proteger o ambiente natural contra danos generalizados, a longo prazo e graves. Esta protecção inclui a proibição do uso de métodos ou meios de guerra que se destinem ou dos quais se possa esperar causarem esses danos ao ambiente natural e, portanto, prejudicar a saúde ou a sobrevivência da população [Art. 55.1]
NR: [1] A afirmação é falsa. Há numerosos estudos científicos que demonstram essa relação causal [2] Não se trata apenas de décadas e sim de milhões de anos. Os efeitos são irreversíveis. Ver também: O original encontra-se em: . Tradução de Margarida Ferreira."
Cecilie Surasky, Jewish Voice for Peace
It was the last place in the world I expected to see Barbie's smiling face emblazoned on the front of a children's notebook.
It was a hot day in June, and as we traveled along a bumpy, dusty road in the south of Gaza, I thought how eerily quiet it was compared to the last time I had been here, when we were taunted by the whizzing sounds of small military drones following our every move.
Suddenly, our van arrived at a farmhouse where we were welcomed by a father and beekeeper wearing a flowing white robe. His name was Mohammed Shurrab. On his desk lay a stack of children's notebooks, each with an image of a Barbie doll on the cover.
Just months before, during Israel's attack on Gaza, Mohammed and his two sons waited for a lull in the fighting so they could flee to join the rest of their family. They weren't far from the farmhouse when they came under a hail of bullets from Israeli soldiers. All of them were shot.
Mohammed's 28-year-old son Kassab, an engineer, was killed immediately. Mohammed called various radio stations to ask for help from an ambulance while he held his other son, Ibrahim, while he shivered. It was nearly 24 hours before the Israeli military allowed an ambulance to come through. By then, Ibrahim, 18, had already bled to death in Mohammed's arms.
Mohammed Shurrab, who spoke like a poet and had Shakespeare and James Joyce on his bookshelf, explained how he came out to the farmhouse each day to be alone, to write in longhand in the notebooks about his sons-- how much he missed them, how much he loved them, and, I'd imagine, how angry he was about how they died.
He channeled that unspeakable sorrow into the only notebooks he could find while living under an extended blockade meant to punish 1.5 million Gazans for the election of Hamas. And he told his story to people like me who might then convey it to you in hopes that it would not happen again.
The bombing of Gaza started one year ago today. And every time I tuck my own son into bed, I think of Mohammed Shurrab, and the other parents like him who I met in Gaza, in Silwan in East Jerusalem, in South Hebron in the West Bank.
I think about the Israeli soldiers sent to Gaza and Hebron, some taught to hate, most simply armed and scared, the responsibility for enforcing occupation on their young shoulders; and the people in the south of Israel fleeing to shelters every time they hear the air raid sirens warning of Qassam rockets.
I think about the Gazan mothers who had nowhere else to go, who clutched their children in apartment hallways each night as bombs fell overhead-- and I remember the deliberate destruction of Gaza's factories, schools, hospitals and administrative buildings that I saw with my own eyes.
In the next few days, in an effort to call the world's attention to the continuing disaster in Gaza, over thirteen hundred people from 42 countries, including many JVP supporters, will arrive in Egypt and Israel to participate in the Gaza Freedom March on December 31. The Egyptian government is threatening to pull the plug on the march. We've mobilized supporters to pressure them to let marchers through. But no matter what happens at the border -- like you, like everyone in the march, we at Jewish Voice for Peace won't forget, we won't deny, and we won't desert.
These are the reasons why my work with Jewish Voice for Peace is the most important work I have ever done in my life, why JVP's work is so unique, so powerful--and why your generous financial support today is so crucial. Right now is the best time to help - because a small group of dedicated JVP donors will double every dollar you give before midnight on December 31st-up to $36,000.
In just over a decade, JVP has gone from a small, all-volunteer group that met in members' living rooms to an organization with nearly 100,000 online activists; chapters in existence or starting in cities across the country; and an impressive board and advisory board of activists, thinkers and writers.
From the Shministim to the Toronto International Film Festival to the campaigns to free Mohammed Othman and Ezra Nawi, to supporting the Goldstone report, we've led or have been substantially involved in many of this year's major efforts to fight Israel's occupation; to counteract the silencing of dissent; and to resist the growing crackdown on the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement.
Jewish Voice for Peace is the only major American Jewish organization whose core principle is full equality between Palestinians and Israelis. And the need for a strong, Jewish organization that follows its principles and supports nonviolent activism here and in Israel/Palestine is more important than ever.
This is a critical moment: while the right-wing backlash against JVP and those we work with is more vicious than ever before, we know it's because we've never before seen such an opening for change. We must grow our organization and our reach now. And we cannot do it without you.
Please join us today and make a gift if you're able-every dollar counts. And your tax-deductible gift today will help us meet our $36,000 match.
We will not let you down. We will not let Israel and Palestine down-and we will not let the many Mohammed Shurrabs down.
In gratitude and solidarity,

Cecilie Surasky
Deputy Director
Jewish Voice for Peace
It was a hot day in June, and as we traveled along a bumpy, dusty road in the south of Gaza, I thought how eerily quiet it was compared to the last time I had been here, when we were taunted by the whizzing sounds of small military drones following our every move.
Suddenly, our van arrived at a farmhouse where we were welcomed by a father and beekeeper wearing a flowing white robe. His name was Mohammed Shurrab. On his desk lay a stack of children's notebooks, each with an image of a Barbie doll on the cover.
Just months before, during Israel's attack on Gaza, Mohammed and his two sons waited for a lull in the fighting so they could flee to join the rest of their family. They weren't far from the farmhouse when they came under a hail of bullets from Israeli soldiers. All of them were shot.
Mohammed's 28-year-old son Kassab, an engineer, was killed immediately. Mohammed called various radio stations to ask for help from an ambulance while he held his other son, Ibrahim, while he shivered. It was nearly 24 hours before the Israeli military allowed an ambulance to come through. By then, Ibrahim, 18, had already bled to death in Mohammed's arms.
Mohammed Shurrab, who spoke like a poet and had Shakespeare and James Joyce on his bookshelf, explained how he came out to the farmhouse each day to be alone, to write in longhand in the notebooks about his sons-- how much he missed them, how much he loved them, and, I'd imagine, how angry he was about how they died.
He channeled that unspeakable sorrow into the only notebooks he could find while living under an extended blockade meant to punish 1.5 million Gazans for the election of Hamas. And he told his story to people like me who might then convey it to you in hopes that it would not happen again.
The bombing of Gaza started one year ago today. And every time I tuck my own son into bed, I think of Mohammed Shurrab, and the other parents like him who I met in Gaza, in Silwan in East Jerusalem, in South Hebron in the West Bank.
I think about the Israeli soldiers sent to Gaza and Hebron, some taught to hate, most simply armed and scared, the responsibility for enforcing occupation on their young shoulders; and the people in the south of Israel fleeing to shelters every time they hear the air raid sirens warning of Qassam rockets.
I think about the Gazan mothers who had nowhere else to go, who clutched their children in apartment hallways each night as bombs fell overhead-- and I remember the deliberate destruction of Gaza's factories, schools, hospitals and administrative buildings that I saw with my own eyes.
In the next few days, in an effort to call the world's attention to the continuing disaster in Gaza, over thirteen hundred people from 42 countries, including many JVP supporters, will arrive in Egypt and Israel to participate in the Gaza Freedom March on December 31. The Egyptian government is threatening to pull the plug on the march. We've mobilized supporters to pressure them to let marchers through. But no matter what happens at the border -- like you, like everyone in the march, we at Jewish Voice for Peace won't forget, we won't deny, and we won't desert.
These are the reasons why my work with Jewish Voice for Peace is the most important work I have ever done in my life, why JVP's work is so unique, so powerful--and why your generous financial support today is so crucial. Right now is the best time to help - because a small group of dedicated JVP donors will double every dollar you give before midnight on December 31st-up to $36,000.
In just over a decade, JVP has gone from a small, all-volunteer group that met in members' living rooms to an organization with nearly 100,000 online activists; chapters in existence or starting in cities across the country; and an impressive board and advisory board of activists, thinkers and writers.
From the Shministim to the Toronto International Film Festival to the campaigns to free Mohammed Othman and Ezra Nawi, to supporting the Goldstone report, we've led or have been substantially involved in many of this year's major efforts to fight Israel's occupation; to counteract the silencing of dissent; and to resist the growing crackdown on the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement.
Jewish Voice for Peace is the only major American Jewish organization whose core principle is full equality between Palestinians and Israelis. And the need for a strong, Jewish organization that follows its principles and supports nonviolent activism here and in Israel/Palestine is more important than ever.
This is a critical moment: while the right-wing backlash against JVP and those we work with is more vicious than ever before, we know it's because we've never before seen such an opening for change. We must grow our organization and our reach now. And we cannot do it without you.
Please join us today and make a gift if you're able-every dollar counts. And your tax-deductible gift today will help us meet our $36,000 match.
We will not let you down. We will not let Israel and Palestine down-and we will not let the many Mohammed Shurrabs down.
In gratitude and solidarity,


Cecilie Surasky
Deputy Director
Jewish Voice for Peace
sexta-feira, 25 de dezembro de 2009
sexta-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2009
Tenho que me controlar em frente à televisão
Estava no corredor e ouvi a minha filha dizer "Cala a boca!" para a televisão. Fui ver o que se passava e era o Obama a discursar em Copenhaga.
Protestos estudantis por esse mundo fora
Embora os mainstream media em Portugal não tenham falado muito disso têm ocorrido protestos por parte de alunos do Ensino Superior por esse mundo fora.
Fartos de promessas que nunca são cumpridas e com o advento eminente da privatização total da educação. decidiram por mãos à obra e mostrar o seu descontentamento.
Recebi por email o relatório da mais recente actividade em Graz e francamente adorei o que li.
Deixo aqui o texto e o link para as fotografias.
Fartos de promessas que nunca são cumpridas e com o advento eminente da privatização total da educação. decidiram por mãos à obra e mostrar o seu descontentamento.
Recebi por email o relatório da mais recente actividade em Graz e francamente adorei o que li.
Deixo aqui o texto e o link para as fotografias.
"Dear friends and colleagues,
after some days of intensive preparation, today we had some worrying moments in the morning whether enough people would come and participate. But in the end we were around 30 people (according to police sources 20 ^^) and after some group photos we left our occupied building and the university campus and headed to the city centre of Graz. It was a very chilly (around -3°C) but clear and sunny day. On the way we got some really bewildered and surprised smiles because of the signs we carried, which said “Wir sind Istanbul”, “Wir sind Berkley”, “Wir sind Berlin” etc. (“Wir sind” means “we are”). In the main shopping area of the centre we distributed the group all over the length of it and started giving out our leaflets with informations about the international dimension of this protest.
after some days of intensive preparation, today we had some worrying moments in the morning whether enough people would come and participate. But in the end we were around 30 people (according to police sources 20 ^^) and after some group photos we left our occupied building and the university campus and headed to the city centre of Graz. It was a very chilly (around -3°C) but clear and sunny day. On the way we got some really bewildered and surprised smiles because of the signs we carried, which said “Wir sind Istanbul”, “Wir sind Berkley”, “Wir sind Berlin” etc. (“Wir sind” means “we are”). In the main shopping area of the centre we distributed the group all over the length of it and started giving out our leaflets with informations about the international dimension of this protest.
We had some really interesting discussions with the passengers and after 45 Minutes we gathered again and started chanting, one calling the name of a city and the rest of us responding “Besetzt!” (occupied).
Then we sat down on the pavement for a short flash-mob reading our self-published protest-newspaper silently which we distributed to the passengers directly after getting up.
Then we all went to the main square of Graz and started using our megaphone: First we explained to all the passengers why we were there and talked about the fact that students protests are going on in so many countries. Then we passed around the megaphone, and the Human Rights article No. 26 about the Right to Education was read in English, German, French, Croatian, Hungarian, Italian, Greek, Swedish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, Kurdish, Latin, Esperanto and Portuguese. It was also presented in the Austrian Sign languages at the same time. One of the most moving moments of this day was the Turkish girl and the Kurdish boy standing side by side and reading a Human Rights article.
After that we went back to our occupied lecture halls to warm our frozen bodies again and have a hot soup.
It has really been a funny day with interesting experiences and talks and a strong feeling of solidarity with all the other protesting students.
We hope you can enjoy the pictures and we are looking forward to hear about your experiences!"
sábado, 12 de dezembro de 2009
Do melhor que tenho lido nos últimos tempos
Fica aqui o "Dialogue with Laura" só para aguçar a curiosidade dos leitores:
I was pecking at my word processor when twelve-year-old Laura came over.
L: What are you doing?
R: It's philosophy of mathematics.
L: What's that about?
Rj What's the biggest number?
L: There isn't any!
R: Why not?
L: There just isn't! How could there be?
R: Very good. Then how many numbers must there be?
L: Infinite many, I guess.
R: Yes. And where are they all?
L: Where?
R: That's right. Where?
L: I don't know. Nowhere. In people's heads, I guess.
R: How many numbers are in your head, do you suppose?
L: I think a few million billion trillion.
R: Then maybe everybody has a few million billion trillion or so?
L: Probably they do.
R: How many people could there be living on this planet right now?
L: Don't know. Probably billions.
R: Right. Less than ten billion, would you say?
L: Okay.
R: If each one has a million billion trillion numbers or less in her head, we can count up all their numbers by multiplying ten billion times a million billion trillion. Is that right?
L: Sounds right to me.
R: Would that number be infinite?
L: Would be pretty close.
R: Then it would be the largest number, wouldn't it?
L: Wait a minute. You just asked me that, and I said there couldn't be a largest number!
R: So there actually has to be a number bigger than the biggest number in anybody's head?
L: Right.
R: Where is that number, if not in anybody's head?
L: Maybe it's how many grains of sand in the whole universe.
R: No. The smallest things in the universe are supposed to be electrons.Much smaller than grains of sand. Cosmologists say the number of electrons in the universe is less than a 1 with 23* zeroes after it. Now, ten billion times a million billion trillion is a 1 with 1 + 9 + 6 + 9 + 12 zeroes after it. That's a 1 with 37 zeroes after it, which is a hundred trillion times as much as a one with 23 zeroes it, which is more than the number of elementary particles in the universe, according to cosmologists.
L: Cosmologists are people who figure out stuff about the cosmos?
R: Right.
L: Awesome!
R: So there are way more numbers than there are elementary particles in the
whole cosmos.
L: Pretty weird!
R: Never mind "where." Let's talk about "when." How long do you suppose
numbers have been around?
L: A real long time.
R: Have they told you in school about the Big Bang?
L: I heard about it. It was like fifteen billion years ago. When the cosmos began.
R: Do you think there were numbers at the time of the big bang?
L: Yes, I think so. Just to count what was going on, you know.
R: And before that? Were there any numbers before the Big Bang? Even little ones, like 1, 2, 3?
L: Numbers before there was a universe?
R: What do you think?
L: Seems like there couldn't be anything before there was anything, you know what I mean? Yet it seems like there should always be numbers, even if there isn't a universe. Take that number you just came up with, 1 with 37 zeroes after it, and call it a name, any name.
L: How about 'gazillion'?
BJ Good. Can you imagine a gazillion of anything?
L: Heck no.
BJ Could you or anyone you know ever count that high?
L: No. I bet a computer could.
R: No. The earth and the sun will vanish before the fastest computer ever built could count that high.
L: Wow!
BJ NOW, what is a gazillion and a gazillion?
L: Two gazillion. How easy!
BJ HOW do you know?
L: Because one anything and another anything is two anything, no matter what.
BJ HOW about one little mousie and one fierce tomcat? Or one female rabbit and one male rabbit?
L: You're kidding! That's not math, that's biology.
BJ YOU never saw a gazillion or anything near it. How do you know gazillions aren't like rabbits?
L: Numbers can't be like rabbits.
BJ If I take a gazillion and add one, what do I get?
L: A gazillion and one, just like a thousand and one or a million and one.
BJ Could there be some other number between a gazillion and a gazillion and one?
L: No, because a gazillion and one is the next number after a gazillion.
R: But how do you know when you get up that high the numbers don't crowd together and sneak in between each other?
L: They can't, they've got to go in steps, one step at a time.
R: But how do you know what they do way far out where you've never been?
L: Come on, you've got to be joking.
R Maybe. What color is this pencil?
L: Blue.
R: Sure?
L: Sure I'm sure.
R: Maybe the light out here is peculiar and makes colors look wrong? Maybe in a different light you'd see a different color?
L: I don't think so.
R No, you don't. But are you absolutely sure it's absolutely impossible?
L: No, not absolutely, I guess.
R You've heard of being color blind, haven't you?
L: Yes, I have.
R: Could it be possible for a person to get some eye disease and become color blind without knowing it?
L: I don't know. Maybe it could be possible.
R: Could that person think this pencil was blue, when actually it's orange, because they had become color blind without knowing it?
L: Maybe they could. What of it? Who cares?
R: You see a blue pencil, but you aren't 100% sure it's really blue, only almost sure. Right?
L: Sure. Right.
R: Now, how about a gazillion and a gazillion equals two gazillion? Are you absolutely sure of that?
L: Yes I am.
R: No way that could be wrong?
L: No way.
R: You've never seen a gazillion. Yet you're more sure about gazillions than you are about pencils that you can see and touch and taste and smell. How do you get to know so much about gazillions?
L: Is that philosophy of mathematics?
R: That's the beginning of it.
I was pecking at my word processor when twelve-year-old Laura came over.
L: What are you doing?
R: It's philosophy of mathematics.
L: What's that about?
Rj What's the biggest number?
L: There isn't any!
R: Why not?
L: There just isn't! How could there be?
R: Very good. Then how many numbers must there be?
L: Infinite many, I guess.
R: Yes. And where are they all?
L: Where?
R: That's right. Where?
L: I don't know. Nowhere. In people's heads, I guess.
R: How many numbers are in your head, do you suppose?
L: I think a few million billion trillion.
R: Then maybe everybody has a few million billion trillion or so?
L: Probably they do.
R: How many people could there be living on this planet right now?
L: Don't know. Probably billions.
R: Right. Less than ten billion, would you say?
L: Okay.
R: If each one has a million billion trillion numbers or less in her head, we can count up all their numbers by multiplying ten billion times a million billion trillion. Is that right?
L: Sounds right to me.
R: Would that number be infinite?
L: Would be pretty close.
R: Then it would be the largest number, wouldn't it?
L: Wait a minute. You just asked me that, and I said there couldn't be a largest number!
R: So there actually has to be a number bigger than the biggest number in anybody's head?
L: Right.
R: Where is that number, if not in anybody's head?
L: Maybe it's how many grains of sand in the whole universe.
R: No. The smallest things in the universe are supposed to be electrons.Much smaller than grains of sand. Cosmologists say the number of electrons in the universe is less than a 1 with 23* zeroes after it. Now, ten billion times a million billion trillion is a 1 with 1 + 9 + 6 + 9 + 12 zeroes after it. That's a 1 with 37 zeroes after it, which is a hundred trillion times as much as a one with 23 zeroes it, which is more than the number of elementary particles in the universe, according to cosmologists.
L: Cosmologists are people who figure out stuff about the cosmos?
R: Right.
L: Awesome!
R: So there are way more numbers than there are elementary particles in the
whole cosmos.
L: Pretty weird!
R: Never mind "where." Let's talk about "when." How long do you suppose
numbers have been around?
L: A real long time.
R: Have they told you in school about the Big Bang?
L: I heard about it. It was like fifteen billion years ago. When the cosmos began.
R: Do you think there were numbers at the time of the big bang?
L: Yes, I think so. Just to count what was going on, you know.
R: And before that? Were there any numbers before the Big Bang? Even little ones, like 1, 2, 3?
L: Numbers before there was a universe?
R: What do you think?
L: Seems like there couldn't be anything before there was anything, you know what I mean? Yet it seems like there should always be numbers, even if there isn't a universe. Take that number you just came up with, 1 with 37 zeroes after it, and call it a name, any name.
L: How about 'gazillion'?
BJ Good. Can you imagine a gazillion of anything?
L: Heck no.
BJ Could you or anyone you know ever count that high?
L: No. I bet a computer could.
R: No. The earth and the sun will vanish before the fastest computer ever built could count that high.
L: Wow!
BJ NOW, what is a gazillion and a gazillion?
L: Two gazillion. How easy!
BJ HOW do you know?
L: Because one anything and another anything is two anything, no matter what.
BJ HOW about one little mousie and one fierce tomcat? Or one female rabbit and one male rabbit?
L: You're kidding! That's not math, that's biology.
BJ YOU never saw a gazillion or anything near it. How do you know gazillions aren't like rabbits?
L: Numbers can't be like rabbits.
BJ If I take a gazillion and add one, what do I get?
L: A gazillion and one, just like a thousand and one or a million and one.
BJ Could there be some other number between a gazillion and a gazillion and one?
L: No, because a gazillion and one is the next number after a gazillion.
R: But how do you know when you get up that high the numbers don't crowd together and sneak in between each other?
L: They can't, they've got to go in steps, one step at a time.
R: But how do you know what they do way far out where you've never been?
L: Come on, you've got to be joking.
R Maybe. What color is this pencil?
L: Blue.
R: Sure?
L: Sure I'm sure.
R: Maybe the light out here is peculiar and makes colors look wrong? Maybe in a different light you'd see a different color?
L: I don't think so.
R No, you don't. But are you absolutely sure it's absolutely impossible?
L: No, not absolutely, I guess.
R You've heard of being color blind, haven't you?
L: Yes, I have.
R: Could it be possible for a person to get some eye disease and become color blind without knowing it?
L: I don't know. Maybe it could be possible.
R: Could that person think this pencil was blue, when actually it's orange, because they had become color blind without knowing it?
L: Maybe they could. What of it? Who cares?
R: You see a blue pencil, but you aren't 100% sure it's really blue, only almost sure. Right?
L: Sure. Right.
R: Now, how about a gazillion and a gazillion equals two gazillion? Are you absolutely sure of that?
L: Yes I am.
R: No way that could be wrong?
L: No way.
R: You've never seen a gazillion. Yet you're more sure about gazillions than you are about pencils that you can see and touch and taste and smell. How do you get to know so much about gazillions?
L: Is that philosophy of mathematics?
R: That's the beginning of it.
sexta-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2009
O que acham?
Imaginem que eu dizia:
"Normalmente não consigo entender discurso polissilábico referente a realidades simples que são de algum modo ofuscadas devido ao vocabulário que se utiliza. Vocabulário este que consiste de vários metaníveis de conotação e denotação expostos de forma altamente barroca que após uma leitura mais atenta apenas mostra que o de facto foi dito é logo dito no início do texto e as restantes palavras nada mais são que repetições e senso comum com roupagem pseudointelectual."
Algo deste género poderia ser caracterizado como sendo hipócrita ou simplesmente auto-contraditório? Ou ainda como algum tipo de meta-ironia realmente básica que já conheceu melhores dias?
"Normalmente não consigo entender discurso polissilábico referente a realidades simples que são de algum modo ofuscadas devido ao vocabulário que se utiliza. Vocabulário este que consiste de vários metaníveis de conotação e denotação expostos de forma altamente barroca que após uma leitura mais atenta apenas mostra que o de facto foi dito é logo dito no início do texto e as restantes palavras nada mais são que repetições e senso comum com roupagem pseudointelectual."
Algo deste género poderia ser caracterizado como sendo hipócrita ou simplesmente auto-contraditório? Ou ainda como algum tipo de meta-ironia realmente básica que já conheceu melhores dias?
Rebuilding Americas' Defenses
"Keeping the American peace requires the U.S. military to undertake a broad array of missions today and rise to very different challenges tomorrow, but there can be no retreat from these missions without compromising American leadership and the benevolent order it secures. This is the choice we face. It is not a choice between preeminence today and preeminence tomorrow. Global leadership is not something exercised at our leisure, when the mood strikes us or when our core national security interests are directly
threatened; then it is already too late. Rather, it is a choice whether or not to maintain American military preeminence, to secure American geopolitical leadership, and to preserve the American peace."
Devo dizer que foi uma leitura interessante.
Imaginem que a Manuela Moura Guedes...
... pedia regularmente aos telespectadores da TVI para se manifestarem contra o governo.
O que teria acontecido?
Imaginem que a Manuela Moura Guedes chamava louco, fascista ao Sócrates.
O que teria acontecido?
Pois bem tudo isso acontece(u) regularmente na Venezuela e o Chavez é um ditador que não permite a liberdade de imprensa.
Gostava de saber um único país dito democrático onde tudo isto pudesse acontecer sem ser movido qualquer processo aos jornalistas.
O que teria acontecido?
Imaginem que a Manuela Moura Guedes chamava louco, fascista ao Sócrates.
O que teria acontecido?
Pois bem tudo isso acontece(u) regularmente na Venezuela e o Chavez é um ditador que não permite a liberdade de imprensa.
Gostava de saber um único país dito democrático onde tudo isto pudesse acontecer sem ser movido qualquer processo aos jornalistas.
O Chavez é anti-democrático, não é
Alterou a constituição para que possa governar para sempre!
Não. A alteração foi a referendo e a maioria do povo venezuelano votou a favor dessa alteração. E já agora essa alteração não se aplica só ao Chavez. Aplica-se a qualque venezuelano.
Sim, a alteração só foi aprovada no segundo referendo; mas que eu saiba o Chavez nunca disse que faria referendos até que ganhasse o sim. Ao contrário de outros referendos.
Fechou rádios e televisões!
Pois fechou. Rádios que operavam ilegalmente. Se não acreditam só têm que procurar os documentos que o demonstram.
Quanto à RCTV: deu os parabéns aos golpistas de 2002, segundo parece também ajudou na festa de planear o golpe de estado, tem um historial de insultos à Chavez que em em qualquer outro país daria no mínimo para vários processos em tribunal e não fechou não senhor. A única coisa que aconteceu é que anos após Chavez voltar ao poder na sequência do golpe de estado a licença de emissão terrestre não foi renovada. No entanto emissões por satélite continuam a ser transmitidas pela RCTV para a venezuela.
Digam-me que raio de ditador iria apostar em medidas altamente democráticas como:
Dear readers I kid you not!
Não. A alteração foi a referendo e a maioria do povo venezuelano votou a favor dessa alteração. E já agora essa alteração não se aplica só ao Chavez. Aplica-se a qualque venezuelano.
Sim, a alteração só foi aprovada no segundo referendo; mas que eu saiba o Chavez nunca disse que faria referendos até que ganhasse o sim. Ao contrário de outros referendos.
Fechou rádios e televisões!
Pois fechou. Rádios que operavam ilegalmente. Se não acreditam só têm que procurar os documentos que o demonstram.
Quanto à RCTV: deu os parabéns aos golpistas de 2002, segundo parece também ajudou na festa de planear o golpe de estado, tem um historial de insultos à Chavez que em em qualquer outro país daria no mínimo para vários processos em tribunal e não fechou não senhor. A única coisa que aconteceu é que anos após Chavez voltar ao poder na sequência do golpe de estado a licença de emissão terrestre não foi renovada. No entanto emissões por satélite continuam a ser transmitidas pela RCTV para a venezuela.
Digam-me que raio de ditador iria apostar em medidas altamente democráticas como:
- Seguros de saúde para todos
- Escolaridade grátis até ao nível universitário para todos
- Levar o poder de decisão para as comunidades
- e sei lá mais o quê...
Dear readers I kid you not!
Áreas altamente ricas são denominadas de países subdesenvolvidos por países que os exploram até mais não.
Faz sentido sim senhor!
Dez minutitos sobre o Uganda:
Dez minutitos sobre Darfur/Sudão:
Faz sentido sim senhor!
Dez minutitos sobre o Uganda:
Dez minutitos sobre Darfur/Sudão: